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Digital Photography & 'Special Effects'
Some Prefer to Use Film.

John Neville Cohen

An international top award winning photographer who invented new 'special effect' techniques on Kodachrome, without any darkroom or computer!

I recently talked to a young man who I discovered was very interested in photography (he did not know anything about my own 'Special Effect' photography), and having told me that it was his main hobby, I was intrigued, and very surprised, when he explained that he far preferred to use film rather than digital imaging. Even though it is so difficult and expensive to buy film these days. I wrongly presumed he was referring to Black and White photography, but soon realised he was buying colour films.

All new cameras, even mobile phones, are digital. Also, there are only a few small laboratories that will process colour film, and home processing although possible, is not easy. Yet he told me there are groups of photographers, like him, preferring to use film and their numbers are growing.

I have looked on the Internet and there are indeed lots of discussions on the advantages, or disadvantages, of using film in comparison with digital.

The majority claim that in using film, because of the need to be far more selective (taking far less photographs due to the high costs), has trained them to become far better photographers.

Another claim was that good digital cameras are expensive and need to be replaced every four, or five years, as they are upgraded so frequently. Yet buying a second-hand film camera will be cheaper, last a lifetime and will hold its value, even though film cameras are far bulkier and heavier.

Lastly, old transparencies and negatives can, and will always be, easily viewed, but who knows, as digital technology changes so quickly, if it will be possible to view digital images in the future.

I was amazed to learn this, because of the incredible possibilities of digital photography, that now exist. The cameras not only make it easier to control the image and exposure, in so many ways, that were much more complicated before with film. There is the advantage of seeing the digital result immediately. But even after having taken the picture, with the aid of software, the options available now to manipulate digital photographs are just fantastic!

This made me reflect on why I had favoured using colour reversal film (for my own creative transparencies) rather than negative film in the 1960's, before anyone had computers. I enjoyed most viewing the large projected image, far more than a print, even though there was no option to alter the picture once taken, yet I was using it for my own ‘special effects’.  But having to wait at least a week, to see the transparencies, was frustrating. 

I preferred transparencies to negatives because I found it extremely hard to master colour printing, as an amateur, so I always relied on professional processing laboratories to make my prints.

My 'Special Effects' pictures were imaginative (nothing like the usual photographs) and I soon found that it was nearly impossible, when they made prints from my negatives, for them to know how to get the colour balance that I really wanted. The advantage of transparencies was that I could simply instruct them to match the colour balance of the transparency that they could see.

My favourite film was the Kodak 'Kodachrome 25' that sadly is no longer available. Transparencies were so much more vibrant than any of the prints and so I concentrated on what I could do with Kodachrome. By always using this film I soon got to know, how best to control it, even with my own 'Special Effects'. 

'Madam Butterfly' This picture was originally a Kodachrome Transparency

'Madam Butterfly' created as a Kodachrome transparency

These days I am excited by the digital option, rather than film. However, using my own invented 'Painting with light' technique that involves photographing projected images, I can create some effects that would be exceedingly difficult to achieve with digital software.

My own views have always been that the most important aspect of photography is the resulting picture, the composition, the quality and the choice of subject. Not the questions of the technique, or make of camera, lens used, or film etc. It is only the resulting picture that really matters; however, it was created!

'Sea Shell' one of my digital photographs using Photoshop

Sea Shell created with Photoshop

After so many years using film, I am now personally totally sold on the digital system, but should any readers be interested in seeing more of my special effects, achieved with my own 'Painting with Light' technique, please do have a look at my website

"...regarded as one of Britain's most original photographers."   The Times

"To Cohen, the impossible in colour merely takes a little longer..."  Photography Year Book

The limited editions (of only 8 of each picture) can be seen at: -

John Neville Cohen has other interests too, please have a look at


Articles index

Asian antiques, Limited edition prints, photography, Jacey Cinema history, Jensen CV8 and 541S, Postage Stamp Album, Netsuke, Snuff Bottles, Jade

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All images and text, within this site, are copyright and may not be copied, other than for personal reference, without written permission from John Neville Cohen.

Painting With Light

The Introduction
Sir George F. Pollock

Reviews, Awards &
Past Exhibitions

New Digital Pictures

Articles by John Neville Cohen

Colour Possibilities for Art Consultants and Interior Designers

Abstract Pictures

Slide Show


The Terms of Purchase

Contact John


Press Release Information

John's Art Links


The following subjects are included within John's Websites

Asian antiques, Limited edition prints, photography, Jacey Cinema history, Jensen CV8 – 541S, Postage Stamp Album, Netsuke, Snuff Bottles, Jade

To John N. Cohen's dedicated site for Painting with Light Limited edition (only 8 of each picture), fine art prints for sale

Articles for New Collectors
Invaluable help for collectors of Asian antiques. How to buy and avoid the most common mistakes, when buying antiques, particularly netsuke, inro, snuff bottles and jade. (Author John Neville Cohen) 

The Cohen Collection 
of Asian antiques (645 colour photos of fine Japanese and Chinese antique; netsuke, inro, ojime, snuff bottles, pendants & jade carvings) all fully described by renowned experts Neil K. Davey + Robert Hall. An essential reference work for the serious collector that is beautiful and very easy to use.

Joseph Cohen & The History of Jacey Cinemas Ltd
Information on our family business created by my Grandfather Joseph Cohen.

British Classic Jensen Cars  
(Author John Neville Cohen) Very informative about the rare British Jensen 541S & CV8 sports cars, particularly about the little known superb Jensen 541S manual drive, a classic car with lots of photos.

Copyright Free or Royalty Free Stock Photographs
These are very low cost 18MB  photographs that will not date!

A Free 'Special Effects' Photography Course
Amazing to see what can be done without any expensive equipment, computer, or darkroom, all achieved with a projector - the magical magic lantern.  All details of this extraordinary technique are clearly explained.  (Author John Neville Cohen) 

Poetic Portfolio 
Fascinating photographic exhibition of 'The Magic Lantern' award winning 'special effect' photographs by John Neville Cohen.

La Alcazaba Apartment in Puerto Banus For Sale
Outstanding 3 double bedroom apartment, all on one level, for sale at La Alcazaba, Puerto Banus, Marbella, Spain

Investment Opportunities 
Opportunities and property.

Commercial Photography 
Professional photography and graphic design by Actuality photodigital.

Postage Stamps For Little People 
to see all the pages and paintings for a unique way of collecting stamps.

The Planning & Paintings for The Album Shows the first sketches and paintings and an amusing letter.

Marilyn Monroe, Sir Michael Balcon, Arthur Miller, Cecil Day-Lewis, Daniel Day- Lewis
The not so distant famous relatives of the Bind side of the family.


Art Photography


Art Prints


Art Prints For Sale


Big Prints for sale


Big Prints


Contemporary Prints


Fine Art Print



Fine Art Prints


Large Limited Edition Prints


Large Pictures


Large Prints For Sale


Large Prints


Limited Edition Prints


Prints For Sale


Painting With Light

The Introduction
Sir George F. Pollock

Reviews, Awards &
Past Exhibitions

New Digital Pictures

Articles by John Neville Cohen

Colour Possibilities for Art Consultants and Interior Designers

Abstract Pictures

Slide Show


The Terms of Purchase

Contact John


Press Release Information

John's Art Links



Limited Edition, Prints, Maximum 8, John Neville Cohen, Large, Pictures, Photographs, Painting with Light, Art, Print, Photography, John N. Cohen, John Cohen.