Certain pictures are possibly available
for reproduce under license.
Much depends on if any of the
large prints have already been sold of the preferred picture, also on the
maximum size of the reproduction.
But there is also the
possibility of a new picture, based on the picture desired, being created
especially for this License - (please have a look at the Possibilities).
Please Email John direct
stating the picture name and number that interests you,
preferably after viewing the PDF document.
Do give some indication of
the basis and the Royalty that you are prepared to pay, also: -
The proposed maximum size.
Name the Countries
that you need the License for.
Lastly describe how you
wish to use the picture (example to print on clothes, bags, or to
publish in certain magazines).
Please be sure to read the
License terms
first (there is a PDF
document to download).
John will usually respond within a matter of hours.