Charity Organisations

USAID have been funding terrorists on a huge scale. The Red Cross never made any attempt to see the hostages.

The UNWRA hospitals and school facilities in Gaza have been found to contain tunnel shafts, weapon storage, and books teaching hatred and incitement against Jews and Israelis to even very young children. Hamas had a high end electronic control centre with communication and electric cables directly from under the UNWRA’s Gaza headquarters. None of this could have been done without their knowledge.

The UNWRA refugee camp schools are where they bred Palestinian murderers. Lots of evidence of hundreds of young children having been brain washed and trained how to kill at Askar are on record, but there are 19 more!

Hamas Propaganda

The BBC World News have disgustingly only spread Hamas propaganda! They failed to do any research, or check the validity of their information before broadcasting, and the result has been very detrimental for Israel and for Jews everywhere.

There have been lots of demonstrations in support of Hamas by thousands of very ignorant people (in Europe, UK, and USA), including lots of women, chanting slogans against Israel. I think these demonstrators should all be deported or forced to go and live in Iran for at least a year. (Iran and The Qatari regime, support the vicious Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Jihadis, and the Houthi) they would be in for a shock, especially the women when they learn what life style they are supporting!

Qatar has been supposedly involved in organising the ceasefire, yet they host Hamas leaders in luxury hotels and finance Hamas! Revelations about Qatar’s financial entanglements have shown that they are also a major financial contributor to US academic institutions over $6 billion so far, and there is evidence of anti-Israel propaganda at all the universities that received these funds.

Al Jazeera, Qatar’s state-funded media network, has also been used for the promotion of anti-Semitic, and anti-democratic narratives in US universities and elsewhere.

The dreadful sadistic acts by Hamas have been even worse than the Nazi crimes, because at least some of the Nazis were ashamed and tried to hide what had been done. But Hamas filmed everything and then celebrated with their families every Jewish death.

Why is it that other Muslims are not expressing their disgust at what has been going on in the name of their religion? Hezbollah also attacked Israel to support Hamas.

But Israel managed very quickly to damage their leaders and their communications, by blowing up their pagers and hundreds of radios, this way they decimated its top Hezbollah military command including their leader Nasrallah and bombed over a 1,000 of their missile stocks.

Efforts to mediate a lasting ceasefire have been ongoing, with Trump and the United States, Egypt, and Qatar playing key roles.

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