New Problem in Selling Antiques
We have been informed by Bonhams that we should consider selling this year because of the increasing level of EU regulatory interference, due to come into force in June 2025, (hugely limiting the importation into the EU of objects of non-EU origin), such limitations will have a serious cooling effect, as happened with the prices of ivory, (sale of which is either significantly restricted or in many cases forbidden).
This import ban into the EU, is to strengthen the fight against terrorist financing and will be in force by 28th June 2025. It is also to stop the trade in illegally excavated cultural goods. So, all cultural goods taken out of the country where they were created can no longer be imported, unless proven to have been outside the country of creation from before 24 April 1972.
Auctioneers will require that all owners of Asian antiques provide evidence (that each of their antiques have been outside Asia from before 24 April 1972) and that they have been in the last country, from which they are being imported, for at least 5 years.
We had not intended selling all of our collections at once, our plan was to sell as and when we needed funds. But we would not be able to provide the evidence required so we think we will have to sell this year.
Bonhams Paris Office
We had an interesting day as the Bonhams Japanese department decided to come and have a look at our Japanese collection of inro and netsuke, because if they were impressed with our inro and we were prepared to sell them, they might be able to sell our ivory netsuke too in Paris. So, through our friend James Roberts he arranged for Suzannah Yip (head of the Japanese Department Worldwide) to fly in from London and for Johann to come from Madrid.
We enjoyed meeting them especially as Suzannah was so impressed with our collection, and as it was her first time in Marbella we spent the rest of the day showing her around and we had a nice meal together in the evening, she flew back the next day.
They might sell for us, but it depends on how many inro are needed to make it worthwhile for them to deal with all the regulations involved.
But we have since heard that they will not
proceed after all.
A Surprise
I received an email from the editor of an online newsletter called 'New Light on Old Media' for the ‘Magic Lantern Society’ asking for permission to include my ‘Spirit of Spring’ photograph with an article. It turned out that my photography was the lead article. Also The Magic Lantern Society publishes a magazine and the editor has decided to feature my work too. I have learnt that this is the UK society and there is another separate one in America and Canada that are likely to be interested too.
Israel and Terrorists
I am proud to belong to the Jewish race, even though I do not keep many traditions, I feel a strong connection to Israel and believe it is essential for all Jews who have suffered so terribly throughout history, that Israel exists.